
वट सावित्री व्रत

वट सावित्री व्रत ज्येष्ठ मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की अमावस्या को मनाया जाता है. इस वर्ष 2016 में यह व्रत 19 जून को मनाया जाएगा. यह व्रत सौभाग्य की कामना एवं संतान की प्राप्ति हेतु फलदायी माना जाता है. वट वृक्ष का पूजन और सावित्री-सत्यवान की स्मरण करने के विधान के कारण ही यह व्रत वट सावित्री के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुआ. भारतीय संस्कृति में यह व्रत आदर्श नारीत्व का प्रतीक माना गया है. स्कंद पुराण, भविष्योत्तर पुराण तथा निर्णयामृत आदि में इस व्रत के विषय में विस्तार पूर्वक बताया गया है. सौभाग्य की वृद्धि और पतिव्रत के संस्कारों को दर्शाता यह व्रत 'वट' और 'सावित्री' दोनों का विशिष्ट महत्व व्यक्त करता है
पीपल कि भांति वट वृक्ष को भी हिंदु धर्म में विशेष स्थान प्राप्त है. धर्म ग्रंथों में वट वृक्ष के भीतर ब्रह्मा, विष्णु व महेश तीनों का वास माना गया है तथा इसके नीचे बैठकर पूजन, व्रत कथा आदि सुनने से समस्त इच्छाएं पूर्ण होती हैं. इस दिन सत्यवान सावित्री की यमराज सहित पूजा की जाती है. यह व्रत करने से स्त्री का सुहाग अचल रहता है. सावित्री ने इसी व्रत को कर अपने मृतक पति सत्यवान को धर्मराज से जीत लिया था. इस दिन उपवासक को सुवर्ण या मिट्टी से सावित्री-सत्यवान तथा भैंसे पर सवार यमराज कि प्रतिमा बनाकर धूप-चन्दन, फल, रोली, केसर से पूजन करना चाहिए. तथा सावित्री-सत्यवान कि कथा सुननी चाहिए |


Necessity of Regular Vedic Rituals – For Prosperity, Prepotence and Peaceful Life Span

In the ancient history regular rituals have been part and parcel in personal as well as social life. Such rites have been referred repeatedly in the scriptures / metaphysics. These are to be performed inevitably and indispensably. Regular yagna is peaceful and beneficial for human being as per Vishnu Puran (1:6:28).

Vedic Life Nyaas

Vedic Life Nyaas



It is experienced in our daily life that mostly we face invisible sinisters, unexpected obstacles and incidents. For its safety, Maharishi Yagna is performed in a proper way scientifically and are helpful for prosperous effective life free from unexpected and nonconjencture obstacles and incidents. Yagnas are recommended (in practical as well as desired manner for prosperity and peace) by the learned persons and in accordance with the metaphysics. It is quite correct to say that our thoughts and feelings affect our life cycle resulting indirect impact such as – "The wave arising on throwing a stone in a pond goes back to its original place after dashing the bank of the pond". Maharishi astrology is such an art which predicts absolute aspects giving effect on our future life according to past actions including place, time and condition. These yagnas become ore fruitful for prosperity and peace if the time and conditions are favourable. A secret of success in performing these yagnas is to attain betterment overcoming various hurdles and difficulties ipso facto.

Relief from future adversities and uneven hurdles

Maharishi Yagna can make our future life prosperous free from unpleasant accidents. Therefore, performance of timely Maharishi Yagna is useful for leading easy and effective life. These are helpful for removing difficulties, hurdles and fetching successful life. These Yagnas are performed socially and individually for the welfare of family, organizations, society and the nation.

Vedic Life Nyaas
Vedic Life Nyaas

Utility of Yagna in human life

Lord Krishna in Shrimadbhagwadgita proclaims as under:

अन्नाद्भवन्ति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसम्भवः
यज्ञाद्भवति पर्जन्यो यज्ञः कर्मसमुद्भवः ।।3।। (14)
कर्म ब्रह्मोद्भवं विद्वि ब्रह्माक्षर समुद्भवम्।
तस्मात्सर्वगतं ब्रह नित्यं यज्ञे प्रतिष्ठम्।। ।।3।। (15)

Lord Krishna says that all being are evolved from food, production of food is dependent on rain, rain ensures from Yagna and Yagna is rooted in prescribed action, know that prescribed action has its origin in the Vedas and the Vedas proceed from the destructible (God), hence all pervading infinite is always present in yagna.

Lord Krishna further proclaims in Shrimadbhagwadgita as:-

त्रैगुण्य विषया वेदा निस्त्रैगुण्यो भवार्जुन।
निद्र्वन्दो नित्य सत्वस्थों निर्योगक्षेमं आत्मवान् ।।2।। (45)

Arjuna! The Vedas thus deal with the evolutes of three gunas (prakriti) viz. worldly enjoyments and the means of attaining such enjoyments be thou in different to these enjoyments and their means, rising above pairs of opposites like pleasure and pain etc., established in the eternal existence (God), absolutely unconcerned about the supply of wants and the preservation of what has been already attained and self controlled.

नहि कश्चितक्षणमपि
जातु तिष्ठत्य कर्म कृत्
कार्यते हृावशः कर्म
सर्वः प्रकृति जैर्गुणे ।।3।। (5)

Surely none can ever remain inactive even for a moment for everyone is helplessly driven to action by nature born qualities.


Yagna is Vedas ritual by dint of human being can perform even impossible acts chanting of mantras (hymn) as per epics gives sound power through mind and desired result is attained. It has the capacity to acquittal from sins.


Brahmins are born from the mouth of Lord as contained in the SHUKLA YAJURVEDA. Brahmin itself is Yagna as contained in the Shatpath Epic and more so Brahmins are the main spiritual preceptor of Yagna. Without Brahmin, Yagna is not even imagined.

According to Maharishi Katyayan:-

‘‘ब्राह्मण ऋत्विजो मंत्र प्रति विद्यादित्यो’’

Only Brahmin priests can perform such Yagnas.

‘‘मन्त्र यज्ञ परा विद्या’’

Brahmapuran expounds that pious Brahmins are Ved Mantras and knower of Yagnas. They are the key of Yagna having knowledge of Veda Mantras properly. Therefore, Ved Mantras are used correctly for the welfare of human being. Yagnic Brahmins are hermits and pious performance of these yagnas by such pious and hermit Brahmins are beneficial to the human being.

Vedic Life Nyaas

Vedic Life Nyaas

Utility of Yagna in human life

Lord Krishna in Shrimadbhagwadgita proclaims as under:

अन्नाद्भवन्ति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसम्भवः
यज्ञाद्भवति पर्जन्यो यज्ञः कर्मसमुद्भवः ।।3।। (14)
कर्म ब्रह्मोद्भवं विद्वि ब्रह्माक्षर समुद्भवम्।
तस्मात्सर्वगतं ब्रह नित्यं यज्ञे प्रतिष्ठम्।। ।।3।। (15)


Sankalpa is the main part of yagna. The result is attained according to the Sankalpa. It is such an act which gives the result to the Yajman (host) overcoming misdeeds. Following five aspects are taken into account for Sankalpa (Resolution).

  1. Name
  2. Place (Country, Province, City)
  3. Object (Target)
  4. Ritual
  5. Time Frame
  6. Date of Birth
These are needed before start of any Yagna.
  1. Sakam Yagna (Self interest yagna)
  2. Nishkam Yagna (Selfless yagna)

  1. Sakam Yagna: Yajman leads luxurious, pleasureful life and ultimately may achieve ultimate goal of life i.e. salvation with aggrandisement.
  2. Nishkam Yagna: It is performed for the welfare of family, friends, society, nation, etc. selflessly.

Vedic Life Nyaas


  1. Sakam Yagnas
  2. Festive Yagnas
  3. Healing Yagnas
  4. Consecration Yagnas (Sanskar Yagna)


  1. Attainment of wealth
  2. Attainment of fame and safety from ignominy
  3. Attainment of spouse (husband or wife)
  4. Attainment of good health
  5. Promotion in trade
  6. Attainment of good memory
  7. Attainment of mental peace
  8. Attainment of relief from government obligations
  9. Removal / suppression of enemy
  10. Victory of court case
  11. Comfortable and happy journey
  12. Attainment of vedic development
  13. Relief in family tensions
  14. Attainment of employment
  15. Attainment of educational development
  16. Blessing of a child
  17. Improving fate of child
  18. Good and happy married life
  19. Achieving good bride or bride groom
  20. Getting relief from ups and downs of life
  21. Ensuring mesne profit from the trade partnership


  1. Relief from tuberculosis (T.B. disease)
  2. Relief from Rheumatism disease
  3. Relief from diabetes disease
  4. Relief from heart disease
  5. Relief from eye disease
  6. Relief from orthopedic disease
  7. Increase in sexual power
  8. Regulation of sexual desire
  9. Relief from obesity (Slimming)
  10. Gain in health

यज्ञों के प्रकार

With the help of these Yagnas, we attain success overcoming various hurdles, pains, whence and with what evolutes by the nature. According to epics, good-bad, positive-negative, pleasure-sorrows, success-failures are the parts and chain of life. It is the essence of our karma. Our present destiny is the result of past deeds and present deeds will in manifold ways form the future fate. This is the chain of success/failure, prosperous and painful life. By performance of these Yagnas, on the basis of good deeds / pious actions fetch prosperous/peaceful life after overcoming several hurdles misdeeds of the past.


For performing yagnas properly you have to send us following details:-

  1. Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Time of Birth
  4. Place of Birth
  5. Present address with contact number and e-mail address.
On the basis of above, we will advise you proper mantra, proper Yagna scripturally for future success free of accidents.


Mainly following yagnas are referred in epics:-

  1. Lord Vishnu Yagna
  2. Goddess Laxmi Yagna
  3. Lord Vasudeo Yagna
  4. Lord Ganesh Yagna
  5. Surya (Sun) Yagna
  6. Lord Rama Yagna
  7. Lord Prajapati Yagna
  8. Hari har Yagna
  9. Maha Mrityunjaya Yagna of Lord Shiva
  10. Chandra (Moon) Yagna
  11. Budh (Mercury) Yagna
  12. Guru (Jupiter) Yagna
  13. Shukra (Venus) Yagna
  14. Shani (Saturn) Yagna
  15. Rahu Yagna
  16. Ketu Yagna
  17. Mahalaxmi Yagna
  18. Maha Shanti Yagna (Peace Yagna)
  19. Gayatri Yagna
  20. Koti Hom Yagna
  21. Nav Chandi Yagna
  22. Shat Chandi Yagna
  23. Sahashra Chandi Yagna
  24. Lakshya Chandi Yagna
  25. Ati Chandi Yagna
  26. Rudra Yagna
  27. Tiny Rudra Yagna
  28. Maha Rudra Yagna
  29. Ati Rudra Yagna


  1. Nav Ratra (Durga devi)
  2. Vijay Dashmi (Dushehra)
  3. Krishna Janmashtami (Lord Krishna)
  4. Maha Shiv Ratri (Lord Shiva)
  5. Ram Navami (Lord Rama)
  6. Guru Purnima (Celebrating main devotion day of Guru once in a year)
  7. Raksha Bandhan
  8. Ganesh Chaturthi
  9. Maha Laxmi
  10. Vishwakarma Puja (Celebration for devotion of Machines / Tools of the factory etc.)
  11. Anant Chaturdashi
  12. Jeev Patrika
  13. Janmadivas (Birthday / Anniversary)
  14. Vivah diwas (Marriage Anniversary)
  15. Karva Chauth (Fast for ladies for the long life of their husband)
  16. Dhan teras (Devotion of Laxmi on the occasion of Deepawali)
  17. Deepawali (Deepmalika – Festival of lights)
  18. Anna Kuta (Devotion of Mahalxmi)
  19. Maha Bhairav Ashtami
  20. Makar Sankranti (Devotion of holy river Ganga)
  21. Basant Panchmi (Day of performance of any Yagna/Pooja)
  22. Holi (Festival of colours)
  23. Pitra Yagna and Shradha paksha (Tarpan, pind daan oblations to the dead with sesamum seeds and sugar by land lotus).


By dint of such Yagna good lifestyle becomes constant and a person leads aggrandizement and sanctified life by performing these yagna from time to time. For performance of these yagna, an intelligent Purohit (Priest) is required to be deployed who could perform and guide about these yagnas from time to time technically in scientific method as prescribed in scriptures. These are:-

  1. Garbhadhan sanskar (pregnancy)
  2. Punsvan sanskar (small ceremony on confirmation of pregnancy)
  3. Simantonayan sanskar (small ceremony on knowing / confirmation of two / three months)
  4. Jatkarm sanskar (ceremony on taking birth of child)
  5. Namkaran sanskar (ceremony for naming of the child particularly tenth day)
  6. Nishkraman sanskar (ceremony for outing of child on three months)
  7. Anna prashan sanskar (ceremony for start of a little quantity of cooked sweet rice through a spoon by the grand father or any elder including priest)
  8. Karn Chhedan sanskar (ceremony for ear ring of child after one year)
  9. Kesh Mundan sanskar (ceremony for first hair cutting near the bank of river Ganga / Temple / Ashram generally 3rd year)
  10. Upnayan sanskar (ceremony for yagyopaveet on 11th / 13th year by performing a yagna)
  11. Vidyarambha sanskar (ceremony for start of education in 4th/5th year)
  12. Samavartan sanskar (ceremony for completion of education in 20th / 22nd year)
  13. Vivaah sanskar (ceremony of marriage in 25th – 28th year)
  14. Vanprastha sanskar (ceremony for frequent outing to forest for renunciation after 55th year)
  15. Sanyasa sanskar (ceremony for total reclusion from house and dwelling in forests / ashrams after 75th year)
  16. Mrityu sanskar (Last rite of mortal body i.e. offering to fire/water/earth)


This yagna is performed for achieving invisible hurdles coming in the way for establishment of shop, factory, community centres, residential house for non erection as per vastu shastra. One can overcome hurdles and invisible power without altering such shop, factory, community centres and residential house. By performing these yagna automatically technique of vastu epic fulfills for this purpose. You could consult without cost by sending plant of factory, shop, house and plot as well.

Shrimadbhagwadgita pronounces in chapter 16(23):-
यः शास्त्र विधिमुत्सृज्य वर्तते काम कारतः।
न स सिद्धिमवाप्नोति न सुखं न परां गतिम्।।

Having cast aside the injunctions of the scripture he who acts in an arbitrary way according to his own sweet will neither attain perfection nor the supreme goal nor even happiness.

Now a days some abject and profligates have opened spiritual centres for earning money without ample knowledge of vedas / scriptures, epics and they claim to predict epitome of scriptures / vedas. As such they befool the society. Such Yagnas / devotions are mostly failed and fetch no result with loss of money and time as well. It is not rhetoric and I am not boosting here but that from my childhood till now. I have gained knowledge of Vedas / epics. Various other scriptures / sacred books and by the grace of God, institution and guidance of my Gurudev ji understand the secrets of the same for my own welfare and welfare of the society/humanity. I have performed several yagnas / reverences at various places in the houses / ofices of VIPs / VVIPs of the country and got accomplishment with the grace of God / own penance. It has been my endeavour to provide and shower result to the Yajmans after performance of these Yagnas with the techniques and scripturally. I want to quote here that I am the devotee of God / vedas etc. for the past one decade and with the help of sadhna / devotion I have achieved results of it including acquisition of supernatural power by which everything spoken comes to be true. Taste of sadhna / devotion is just like a taste of the sweet to a dumb person. I am confident that the result of sadhna, devotion and Yagnas are attained successfully provided these are performed with sanctity proper mantra (hymn) renowned and the able priest with full devotion by yajmans. Scriptures pronounce:-

‘‘मंत्राधीनोदेवता’’ God / Goddess is dependent to Mantra (Hymn)

In this area, I have kept (besides some able guide / experienced elder sadhaks / class I officers of government departments – Mithilesh Mishra & Shiv Kumar Awasthi in taking help in establishing "Vedic Life Nyaas & Shaptirishi Yagna Anusthan Kendras". These yagnas are performed / organized at various places throughout the country, in my supervision with the help of my assistants, able vedic brahmins of Maha rishi Ved Vigyan Vidya Peetham from time to time.

I was inspired for opening such institution from Maharishi Ved Vigyan Peetham Maharishi Nagar NOIDA & Uttar Kashi, India and make a point to fulfill this aim for the welfare of humanity (country / abroad). You will be surprised to know that I got admission in this Vidhya Peeth in my teen age and from the childhood, it was my target to study Veda and other scriptures seriously and grasping secrets of scriptures / hymns for removing pains and sorrows of humanity with the help of Yagnas / devotions with proper techniques to shower results, prosperity, peace, power, patience (4 Ps). I have been devoting thrice a day (which is a routine duty of a devotee) including study of scriptures.

After completion of my study, I have been Chief Priest in the institution for performing such Yagnas / devotion organised by the institution from time to time at various places in the supervision of my seniors and attained good results all throughout. During six years, I have also performed several programmes of Yagnas in the Maharishi Ved Vigyan Vidya Peeth scattered at different places of the country such as Arail-Sangam Tat, Allahabad (Prayag), Ram Janam Bhoomi Ayodhya, Bhrigu Dham Bhitaure Fatehpur, Haridwar-Rishikesh (Uttarakhand).

To serve the humanity (to fulfill my dream) I have established this centre and started giving guidance / teaching of scriptures to the acquisitive persons (able Brahmins) for performance of Yagnas / devotions properly with techniques scripturally so that proper results are timely attained to alleviate the sufferings of the masses (humanity throughout the world).

You can consult me free of cost for any problem / difficulty / detail at Indian time morning 5:00 to 8:00 a.m. and evening 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and through e-mail also on the given address.


Maharishi Yagna provide prosperous future life free from incidents. Therefore, its performance at the right time will be more fruitful. These are needed to be performed properly with right technique for effective and fetching good life. They are catalysts for successful life, overcoming hurdles and difficulties arising out in life span, no doubt, they could be performed for the benefits of the families, society, organizations, social welfare and impediments from natural calamities, socially or personally.

Verse-14 Chapter-3 from Shrimadbhagwadgita pronounces:-
अन्नाद्भवन्ति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसम्भवः
यज्ञाद्भवति पर्जन्यो यज्ञः कर्मसमुद्भवः ।।3।। (14)
कर्म ब्रह्मोद्भवं विद्वि ब्रह्माक्षर समुद्भवम्।
तस्मात्सर्वगतं ब्रह नित्यं यज्ञे प्रतिष्ठम्।। ।।3।। (15)
Vedic Life Nyaas
Vedic Life Nyaas

All living being are evolved from food, production of food is dependent on rain, rain ensures from Yagna and Yagna is rooted in prescribed action, know that prescribed action has its origin in the Vedas and the Vedas proceed from the destructible (God), hence all pervading infinite is always present in yagna.

Yagnas superior and best duty of human life appreciated in vedas / scriptures. As per veda by dint of one could perform even impossible acts.

By repetition of hymn, a noble sound power is originated as per scriptures for a particular course which is completed with the help of Sankalpa of a particular person.

Please obtain details / answers and other information through our e-mail address free of cost.